Monday, September 17, 2012

Homecoming 2012 Press Release
Theme:  Winner Take All!
·       Dress up-Class Color Day
o   Seniors – pink
o   Juniors – purple
o   Sophomores – blue
o   Freshmen - brown
·         Dress up – Temporary Tatt Tuesday (break out your temporary tattoos!)
·       Soccer vs. Platteville/Lancaster
·       Cross Country @ Dodgeville
·       Dress up – Camouflage clothing Day
·       1:25 dismissal to work on floats, windows and skits
·       2:30 dismissal for all other staff and students for a special presentation

·       Parade leaves from the island at 6:00 pm 
If your business, club or organization would like to enter a float or walking unit in the parade, please contact Marge Johnson at 326-3741 by September 26th.
·       Coronation in gym approx.  7:00 pm  (public is encouraged to attend – admission is free)
·       Skits follow coronation (public is encouraged to attend – admission is free)

·       Dress up – Halloween Costume Day
·       Volleyball @ River Valley
·       Soccer @ River Valley
·       9th Football @ River Valley
·       Dress up- School Spirit Day
·       Breakfast 6:30-10:00 am
·       Powder Puff 1:00 pm
·       All school pep rally 2:30
·       Football vs. Richland Center (colors- orange and black) 7:00 pm
·       Dance in HS cafeteria 8-12 midnight

Monday, September 10, 2012

Homecoming 2012 - Events 

1.  Class advisors for grades 9-11 will need to nominate five girls and five boys for Homecoming class reps.  You may do this by paper or voice nomination.  Please remember that nominees will need to be academically eligible and have no code or criminal violations.  Please get these names to me on Friday; Kayla and I will compose a ballot for your class.  We will be voting for reps (each class 9-11 will select 1 boy and 1 girl - all classes will vote for royalty) and king and queen at a later date (probably next week).  Tammy Stovey has the senior voting well in hand as those boys who are selected will need to be fitted for tuxs ASAP.

2.  Elect class officers and/or leadership team if you have not done so.

3.  Have students sign up to work on floats, windows and skits.  We are not chalking or doing other activities this year.  You may work on these activities earlier if you desire to do so. Those kids who sign up for floats, windows and skits will be released at 1:25 on Wed. to work.  Each class will need to select two advisors per activity to supervise.  Please get the names of these teachers and the lists of kids involved to me by Friday of next week, so that we can arrange coverage and get the kids in the computer for attendance.  It is up to the advisors to decide how many kids they would like per activity. (I would limit my window committee to 15, for example.)  You will receive applications in your mailboxes as the ideas for floats, skits and windows need to be approved by Mr. Banasik no later than Monday Sept. 24th.  All windows will be judged at 3:40 on Wed.  Skits  and floats will be judged that evening.

Window assignments - Windows are to be done on paper and taped up.  Kayla has paper in her room.  You will need to provide paint, etc from your class fund.

Seniors - back middle doors
Juniors - upstairs chem hallway windows
Sophs - front doors
Fresh- Mrs. Gallagher's and Mr. Banasik's office windows

Overall agenda
MONDAY - regular school day - no evening activities

TUESDAY - regular school day - soccer @ home - X-country @ Dodgeville

WEDNESDAY - 1:25 dismissal for students and staff involved with windows, floats and skits 

All other staff and students will be dismissed to the theater at 2:30 for a special presentation.

Parade 6:00 pm from the island
Coronation approx. 7:00 in gym followed by skits

THURSDAY - regular schedule - volleyball @RV - soccer @ RV - 9th football @ RC

FRIDAY - Homecoming breakfast starting at 6:30 am  (classes will be dismissed on a rotation)

Powder Puff @ 1:00
Pep Rally @ 2:30
Game @ 7:00

SATURDAY - Dance 8-12 (seniors in charge)

Kayla and I would like to thank all of you for your help.  We know that this is over and above your teaching assignments and we do appreciate you.  We will probably talk a little about this at the October staff meeting and see if this is a better approach and/or what to do to improve it.
Staff Meeting - September 11, 2012

Please see Mr. Johnson's blog on new policies for spending and charging purchases.

High School ACT Plan study - Our sophomores will be testing a new pilot ACT Plan test during the week of September 17th.  This test will be given tentatively on September 19th during 3rd block.  More information to follow.

Progress Reports will be September 21st.

Common Planning Meetings next week:

Humanities Team will meet September 19th.
Science Team will meet September 21st.

All meetings will be in the Learning Lab during 5th period.