Thursday, January 24, 2013

SLATE Conference

On December 3-5th, Prairie du Chien Administration had the opportunity to attend the SLATE conference in Wisconsin Dells.  The administrative team received an award for their technology work in the Prairie du Chien School district through the Amplified Administrator program.

While attending the conference, the team was viewing exhibits and listening to great speakers.  The speakers focus was an engaging classroom with technology as a focus.

One of the sessions entitled, Tearing Down Walls demonstrated a classroom in the Franklin School District that placed 90 students in a math class.  Within the large classroom, each student had a laptop and would correspond with one of the four teachers in the room via email on questions and concerns.  The teachers would break the students into groups to work on the specific topics that the students needed further assistance with.  The teachers all work within the same classroom space and share office space.  Teachers are given time to team plan and collaborate with one another on students needs and curriculum adaptations.

This session was particularly compelling as too often in education we are isolated from other educators.  We are placed in a classroom with a group of students to fend for ourselves with very little time to work with other educators do to the demands of scheduling, budgets, and course offerings.  There is a compelling need to feel as though we need to be all knowing in the classroom and we begin to fear collaboration for it may expose a weakness to the students we lead or another teacher working in the same content area.  There is a drive for competition, yet we do not know who or what we are competing against.  Is it student and community acceptance, popularity, grades, or higher test scores.

The Franklin Model demonstrates a creative way in which students and teachers can collaborate and work together to service students based on academic questions and needs.  As we look to the future of Prairie du Chien we look to find ways to create similar collaboration opportunities at our high school.  Opportunities for staff to share, discuss and work together to produce the best student outcomes possible.  We will be looking to achieve this with our common planning opportunities and stem/humanities extensions next school year.

Below is a list of links to the keynote speakers we will be discussing in future staff meetings:

Julie Mathiesen - Customized Learning

Rushton Hurley - Resources

Monday, January 14, 2013

January High School Staff Meeting

January 15th, 2012 Staff Meeting
Room 218
7:30 AM

1. NAEP Testing:  Wednesday, January 30th from 9:00-10:30 AM
  • LeAnn Bollum, Gary Nettesheim, Jennifer Gallagher, and Jane Yeomans will help with proctoring.
  • We will be using rooms:  218, 220, 103, 138(POE). The NAEP Testing will be for seniors only.

2. Smarter Balance Testing:  April 17th and 24th.  There will be more details to follow.

3. Our 1st semester finals will be on Wednesday, January 23rd and Thursday, January 24th.  The format will be consistent with what has been completed in the past.

4.  Friday, January 25th @ 5:00pm 1st semester grades will be due.

5.  Educator Effectiveness Model

  • School/Student Learning Objectives(SLO)
  • They are looking at mandating in 2014-2015.
  •  Prairie du Chien is in a pilot group for 2013-14 school year.
  •  Data Driven, Charlotte Danielson Model for teacher evaluation, common assessments, and district assessments.
  •  We are looking for staff to be involved in the pilot group.

6.  RtI:  Response to Intervention
  •  Friday, January 18th:  Prairie du Chien School District will be making a  RtI trip to       Galesburg, IL.  Kayla Mezera, Heather DeBruin, and Jane Yeomans-Wonderling will be     representing the high school.
  •  Discussion of the 2013-14 RtI Plan.

7.  HSAC Quick Review
  •        Administrative Roles

Friday, January 4, 2013

Positive Affirmation: The Power of People

Have a great week and remember you're the inspiration to many students, parents, and families.