January Staff Meeting
January 10th, 2017
7:30 am
- Semester Finals
- January 18th/19th
- We will need to staff to proctor our math exams because of the professional development for our staff.
- Semester Final Schedule
- Academies: We will meet for the designated time to review the first draft on the Academies for next year. It is set in the exam schedule except for CTE and Fine Arts.
- Options: Thursday, January 19th 3:00 or Friday, January 20th at 3:00
- Friday, January 20th, 2017
- Teacher Work Day
- Google Training
- Transcripted Credit
- 2014-15 28 Students 54 Credits $7,407.602015-16 44 Students 135 Credits $18,819.502016-17 194 Students 875 Credits $123,882.25 (Includes 1st semester only and is pending students successfully completing)
- Teacher Evaluations- Mary Johannesen
4. CESA 3 PDP Reviewers
- March 27th- On-line (2 Hours)
- We would need to come-up with a date in April (4:00-7:00)
- We will need 15 people to run a PDP Reviewer Course
- Dates: Monday April 10th, Tuesday April 11th, Wednesday, April 12th, Thursday April 13th, Monday April 17th, Tuesday April 18th, Wednesday April 19th
4. 2nd Semester Scheduling
- We do have a couple of classes with 30 + students. Karen and I will be reviewing the numbers.
- We will have a full load in our GEDO program. (15+ students)
- Seniors will need some schedule changes because of 1st semester failures.
5. 2017-18 School Calendar
6. Students
7. Other Discussion Items