Tuesday, April 8, 2014

April Staff Meeting

April Staff Meeting
April 8th
7:30 am

1.  Matt Antoine Recognition:  Friday, April 11th @ 2:15.  We will host all schools in our district for the recognition.

  • High School Students will sit on the south-east side of the gym. (Locker room side)
  • Band will set-up on the far south-east side.
  • Bluffview students will be sitting on the north-east side of the gym.
  • BAK students will be sitting on the gym floor.
  • Band will play the Olympic Theme song
  • Introduction by Ron Sedgwick
  • Speech given by Matt Antoine:  Discussing the work involved to be an Olympian and just the overall experience of the Olympics.
  • Finish with the National Anthem
  • Pictures will be taken with Matt Antoine for grades Pre-K-4.  The high school students will be dismissed around 2:45-2:55.   We will have 10th hour on Friday.
2.  Staff Review your emergency policies:
  • Fire Drill- coming-up this week
  • Tornado Drill- Thursday, April 24th @ 1:00
  • Intruder Policy
  • Non-Emergency Lock-down
3. 2014-15 Bell Schedule
  • We will be running the 20 minute Homeroom at the end of the day for next school year.  The school day hasn't been extended.  Jennifer and I appreciate your input on the topic.
4.  Staff Educator Effectiveness
  • Monday, June 9th and Tuesday, June 10th
  • Will get a chance to write our SLO's
5.  Summer School
  • Starts Monday, June 16th
  • Driver's Education will start on Monday, June 9th
6.  New Board Member Orientation
  • Jennifer and I will be busy Wednesday, April 9th with New Board Member Orientation
7.  Student Handbook Policies

8.  Homework Policy

  • We have heard the staff concerns with the amount of homework on individual days for students. We're open for discussion on this topic.


1.  AP Schedule for May.  Day Trips in April (Marketing- April 16th).


2.  Saturday, April 12th is the ACT Test for all 11th graders.
3.  Saturday, April 12th Prom @ Barn Restaurant
4.  Thursday, April 17th is the next progress report for students.  Student who are ineligible may become eligible for co-curricular activities.
5.  Happy Easter/Spring Break (April 18th-21st)