November Staff Meeting
Tuesday, November 12th, 2013
7:30 AM
- Bring your Cell Phones!! Remind 101- Emergency Contact List
- November is testing month!! Any questions concerning the WKCE Testing Lay-out? We do appreciate your working with class schedules and interuptions.
- Mrs Jennifer Gallagher did send-out the schedule.
- Reminder, seniors will not need to be in until 9:15 on Tuesday and 10:00 on other WKCE Testing days.
- Recycle Bins: Your recycle bin will be gone after Tuesday to help with book pick-up at Wylausing Academy. We do own many school materials at Wylausing Academy that will need to be stored in our school district.
- Three Week Progress Reports due on Friday, November 22nd at 5:00
- Incompletes are due on Friday, November 15th, 2013
- High School Musical: Last week to see our high school students perform GodSpell. Hope to see you at the event!!
- P/T Conference: NO P/T Conference in the month of December. Please communicate with parents on any failures"
"Appreciate the Energy Givers" Keep-up the great work!