Monday, November 11, 2013

November Staff Meeting

November Staff Meeting
Tuesday, November 12th, 2013
7:30 AM

  1. Bring your Cell Phones!!  Remind 101- Emergency Contact List
  2. November is testing month!!  Any questions concerning the WKCE Testing Lay-out?  We do appreciate your working with class schedules and interuptions.
    • Mrs Jennifer Gallagher did send-out the schedule.
    • Reminder, seniors will not need to be in until 9:15 on Tuesday and 10:00 on other WKCE Testing days.
  3. Recycle Bins:  Your recycle bin will be gone after Tuesday to help with book pick-up at Wylausing Academy.  We do own many school materials at Wylausing Academy that will need to be stored in our school district.
  4. Three Week Progress Reports due on Friday, November 22nd at 5:00
  5. Incompletes are due on Friday, November 15th, 2013
  6. High School Musical:  Last week to see our high school students perform GodSpell.  Hope to see you at the event!!
  7. P/T Conference:  NO P/T Conference in the month of December.  Please communicate with parents on any failures"
"Appreciate the Energy Givers"  Keep-up the great work!