Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Veteran's Day Program

Veteran's Day Program:  It was great to see the planning by our Student Council, Band, and Choir students given to our Veteran's Day Program on Monday, November 12th, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012

November High School Staff Meeting

Staff Notes

WKCE/ACT Testing:  I appreciate the effort by the staff.
Veteran's Day Program:  Student Council and Advisers   It really did make me proud to be the high school principal.  The event was well organized by the Student Council, students did demonstrate great respect during the ceremony, and the band/choir did a phenomenal job performing.
Fall Musical:  One last week!  Don't miss-out on the excitement.
American Educational Week:  Be proud to be making a difference everyday!!  Great job making our school a great place for students and a great resource for our community.

1. Prairie du Chien High School Report Card

  • PDC High School was ranked #2 in the SWC.
  • Great ranking out of CESA 3 and 4.

2.Skyward:  There are questions concerning grades for Term 1/Term 2 in the 8-period day

  • Term 1 In-completes are due on Friday, November 16th, 2012 @ 4:00

3.  CTE Perkin's Meeting:  Wednesday, November 14th at 3:45 in Room 218
4.  WKCE Testing will be completed by this Thursday, November 15th.  The make-up will be in the morning with Elaina Knoble-Janney, school counselor.
5.  School Calendar:  Wednesday, November 21st is a full day of school.
6.  Term 2 Progress Reports:  Due Friday, November 30th @ 5:00.  
7.  Announcement of school cancellation or delay?  How to proceed?  A school text?  This item will be discuss in the November staff meeting.
8.  Professional Technology Piece of Information:  


Friday, November 9, 2012

NHS Banquet

Congrats to our 2011 NHS Members, 2012 New NHS Members, and Mrs. DeBruin- NHS Advisor for putting on a great program.  Keep-up with the dedication and service to our school and community!!